Dear Kodiak Parents,
We will be making our school a phone-free space to improve teaching and learning using a program called Yondr. Yondr has been implemented in over 2,000 schools across 16 countries to facilitate an engaged learning environment.
We believe that phones have great utility. However, we have also found that learning and social behavior improve drastically when students are fully engaged with their teachers and classmates without the distraction of this form of technology.
The Yondr Program utilizes a simple, secure pouch that stores a phone. Every student will secure their phone in a personally assigned Yondr pouch when they arrive at school. Students will maintain possession of their cell phones and will not use them until their pouches are opened at the end of the school day. Students are required to bring their Yondr pouch to and from school each day and are responsible for their pouch at all times.
Schools implementing Yondr reported:
84% saw a change in student engagement
72% saw a positive change in student behavior
68% saw a positive change in academic performance
86% saw a positive impact in student safety and wellness
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school directly at 904-267-3007 or attend orientation on Aug 8 or 9, 2024 to hear more about Yondr and our new phone policy.
In an effort to best serve your child, we appreciate your full support in adoption of the Yondr Program at our school.
Thank you,
Luann Hoyseth-Wann
Global Leadership Academy HS
How Yondr Works
As student enters school, they place their phone in their assigned Yondr Pouch
Students close and secure their Pouch, keeping it on them throughout the day.
When leaving school, students tap their Pouch on a Base to retrieve their phone.
Frequently Asked Questions
We want our students to be engaged in their learning. If you need to contact your child during the school day, contact the main office at [904-267-3007].
In case of a school emergency, we direct our students to safety first, following our school emergency preparedness protocol.
Students are in possession of their phone - in their Yondr pouch - for the entire school day. We will advise students to store the pouch in their backpacks.
The Yondr pouch is property of Global Leadership Academy. If a student damages their Pouch or is caught on their phone, Administration will collect the phone/Pouch and call home:
The Parent will need to come to the school to pick up their child’s phone
AND/OR Consequences may include: Community Service / In-School Suspension / Detention / Replacement Fee
Note: Damage consists of any signs that the physical integrity of the pouch has been compromised, whether intentional or unintentional, as determined by the school or Yondr staff.Item description